On Free Will
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2020-06-23 06:52:18 UTC
On Free Will

"The good God toils, painfully as it were: for while He does not wish
to coerce our liberty, yet neither does He permit us to be negligent.
For were He to use coercion He would be taking away our power of
choice; were He to leave us to our negligence He would be depriving
our souls of His help. The Lord, then, knowing that if He coerces us
He robs us, if he withdraws His help He loses us, but that if He
teaches us He gains us, neither coerces nor withdraws His help as does
the evil one, but teaches, instructs and so gains us, since He is the
Good One."
Sermon from St. Ephrem

June 23rd – St. Mary of Oignies, Mystic, Recluse
 (Died 1213)

Mary of Oignies was born in the diocese of Liege in Belgium in 1167,
of very wealthy parents. But while still very young, she rejected
everything childish or vain -- games, beautiful clothing, ornaments.
At the age of 14, despite her desire to be a nun, she was
obliged to marry a virtuous young lord. Her holy life caused
admiration in her spouse and decided him to follow her examples; and
together they resolved to practice continence for life, to distribute
their wealth to the poor and consecrate themselves to works of piety.
The demon tried every artifice to make them relent in their holy
resolution, but failed. They drew down on themselves the most abundant
blessings, as well as sarcasms and insults from the worldly.

Mary had the gift of tears, and could not look at a crucifix without
breaking into a torrent of tears or being ravished in ecstasy. When a
priest told her to cease these exhibitions, she asked God to make him
understand that it is not possible for a creature to arrest tears
which the Holy Spirit obliges to well up. And the priest, that same
day while saying his Mass, began to shed so many tears that the altar
cloths and his vestments were wet with them.

She had a great devotion to Saint John the Evangelist and conversed
with him as well as with her Guardian Angel. By vision and revelation
she often knew the temptations and secrets of the hearts of the
persons who consulted her. She converted many, obtained graces by her
prayers for the living and especially for the dead, for whom she
offered prayers and sacrifices, and suffered various illnesses with
invincible patience. Her many visitors made her life of contemplation
difficult, and she decided to change her residence; her husband
permitted her to go to Oignies, where she lived in retreat amidst her
heavenly favors and conversations.

She saw the place destined for her in heaven, and gave up her holy
soul surrounded by angelic songs of bliss. The faithful who have
addressed her were so impressed with the value of her intercession
that her relics became the object of great respect. Buried at Oignies,
her remains in 1609 were placed in a silver reliquary in its parish
church of Our Lady; in 1817 they were transferred to the Church of
Saint Nicolas at Nivelle, near her birthplace.

Source: Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints, by Msgr. Guérin
(Bloud et Barral: Paris, 1882), Vol. 7.

Saint Quote:
Let us pardon those who have wronged us. For that which others
scarcely accomplish--I mean the blotting out of their own sins by
means of fasting and lamentations, and prayers, and sackcloth and
ashes--this it is possible for us easily to effect without sackcloth
and ashes and fasting, if only we blot out anger from our heart, and
with sincerity forgive those who have wronged us.
--St. John Chrysostom

Bible Quote:
1 O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things!
His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory.
2 The LORD has made known his victory, he has revealed his vindication
in the sight of the nations.
3 He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel.
 All the ends of the earth have seen  the victory of our God.
4 Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song
 and sing praises!  [Psalm 98:1-4]

Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
By The Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration

In response to Your Presence, O Lord,
I offer You my presence.
In response to Your silence,
I offer You my silence.
In response to the gaze of Your Eucharistic Face,
I offer You my eyes.
In response to Your Eucharistic Heart,
I offer You every heartbeat of mine.
In response to the mystery of Your Eucharistic poverty,
I offer You my poverty.
My one desire is to remain before You
even as You remain before me
in this the Sacrament of Your Love.
2020-06-23 14:00:35 UTC
Post by Rich
On Free Will
"The good God toils, painfully as it were: for while He does not wish
to coerce our liberty, yet neither does He permit us to be negligent.
Jesus gave me a blumpkin at Macys.
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2020-06-23 14:13:44 UTC
Post by KWills
Post by Rich
On Free Will
"The good God toils, painfully as it were: for while He does not wish
to coerce our liberty, yet neither does He permit us to be negligent.
Jesus gave me a blumpkin at Macys.
You sure that wasn't Rich down there on his knees?
