We should be simple, humble, and pure
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2020-08-18 07:12:26 UTC
We should be simple, humble, and pure

 Jesus placed his own will at the disposal of his Father's will. And
the Father's will was that his blessed and glorious son, whom he gave
to us and who was born for us, should offer himself through his own
blood as a sacrifice and victim on the altar of the cross, not for
himself, through whom all things were made, but for our sins, leaving
us an example, that we should follow in his steps. And he desires that
we should all be saved through him and receive him with a pure heart
and a chaste body. How happy and blessed are they who love the Lord
and do as the Lord himself commands in the gospel: You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and your
neighbor as yourself. So let us love God and adore him with a pure
heart and a pure mind, for he himself seeks this above all things, as
he says: The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in
truth. All who adore him should adore him in the spirit of truth. And
let us pour forth our praise and prayer to him day and night, saying
Our Father, who art in heaven; for we ought always to pray and not
lose heart.
--St. Francis of Assisi

18 August – Saint Macarius the Wonder-Worker
Also known as Christopher, Macarius of Constantinople

Memorial 18 August
1 April on some calendars

 Monk, Abbot, Defender of Icons, miracle worker – Born in the 9th
century Constantinople as Christopher and died on 18 August 850 on the
island of Aphusia, Bithynia of natural causes.

St Macarius’ legacy is one of working miracles and standing for truth
even in the face of torture.

Macarius was born in the ninth century in Constantinople, originally
named Christopher. He took the name Macarius when he became a monk.

Eventually, he was selected as abbot of his monastery and became
well-known for healing miracles, which is how he earned his title – St
Macarius the Wonder-Worker. Crowds would flock to the monastery to
seek cures.
St Macarius opposed the emperor’s orders to suppress icons in one of
the great iconoclasm controversies. The controversy over icons was a
dispute that arose when some misinterpreted the Second Commandment,
which forbids the worship of images. The Church has consistently
insisted upon the orthodoxy of icons and other religious imagery as a
consequence of the Incarnation – Jesus proved that God redeems all of
creation and that all of creation can help mediate God’s presence to
us. Icons and religious imagery point our hearts and minds to God and
remind us of holy figures, they are not themselves objects of

Macarius was imprisoned and tortured for defending the use of icons.
When the emperor died, the successor released him from prison and
tried to win him over. He rejected the new emperor as well and was
exiled. He died during this banishment.

The relics of St Macarius rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica
of the Sacred Heart on Notre Dame’s campus.

St Macarius, who suffered torture and exile for your defence of
religious images—pray for us!

by Anastpaul 2019

Saint Quote:
These symbolize (Proverbs 30:14) the greedy and usurers whose teeth
are swords and knives which they use to devour the poor and steal
their meager possessions. All of them are children of this world who
consider the children of light to be stupid and believe themselves to
be the prudent ones. Their prudence is their death.
--Saint Anthony of Padua

Bible Quote:
... whereof I Paul am made a minister.
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up those things that
are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body,
which is the church:  [Col.1.24]  DRB

Letting Go

Dear Lord, I give Thee my opinions,
which are doubtful at best.
I give Thee all contention,
which robs my mind of rest.

I give Thee my anxiety,
of what I say and do.
The fear of what they think of me!
I fix my eyes on Thee.

Oh make me simple and sincere
spontaneous and kind.
Help me to live each moment
leaving yesterday behind.

Please take my resentments,
unforgiveness in my soul.
And heal my memories Jesus,
I place Thee in control.

I want to see the good things,
the way that people try.
For who is trying harder
and failing more than I.

Lord fill me with Thine presence,
make me meek and resigned.
Help me to take a "back seat",
and let other people shine.

Let me be lost in Thee my Lord,
that all may come and see,
the power of a love so great,
could change someone like me.
Author Unknown
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2020-08-18 21:27:16 UTC
We should be simple, humble, and pure.
Yes, and that is exactly what I tell Dolf when he's dancing around my
room in crotchless leather chaps.
