The Devil's Entry: Cupidity and Fear
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2020-08-09 06:19:15 UTC
The Devil's Entry: Cupidity and Fear

   "Now the devil does not seduce or influence anyone unless he finds
that person already somewhat similar to himself. He finds someone
coveting something, and cupidity opens the door for the devil's
suggestion to enter.
   The devil finds someone fearing something, and he advises that
person to flee what is feared. By these two doors, cupidity and fear,
the devil gains entry."
--St. Augustine--Sermon 12, 11

Prayer: Lord, you have saved my soul from the constraint of fear, so
that it may serve you in the freedom of love.
--St. Augustine--Commentary on Psalm 30 (1), 8

 9 August – Saint Cándida María de Jesús

Religious Sister and Founder – born on 31 May 1845 in Andoáin,
Guipúzcoa, Spain as Juana Josefa Cipitria y Barriola and died on 9
August 1912 in Salamanca, Spain of natural causes – born Juana Josefa
Cipitria y Barriola – was a Spanish professed religious and the
founder of the Daughters of Jesus. The order – founded in 1871 – was
under Jesuit direction from her spiritual director and was involved
with the education of children in Salamanca though expanded during her

Mother Candida, whose name was Juana Josefa Cipitria y Barriola, was
born to a poor family. As a young girl she left her land to work in
Castile in order to help her family financially. Gifted with a great
sensitivity to the neediest, she was not indifferent to the situations
of those living nearby. Therefore, even at the risk of losing her job,
she would say, “Where there is no room for the poor, neither is there
room for me”.

Her desire to do God’s will was the sole driving force in her life. On
2 April 1869, in the church of “The Rosarillo” in Valladolid, before
the altar of the Holy Family, she asked the Lord once again to make
His will clear to her and God more clearly expressed His desire “to
found a Congregation with the name of Daughters of Jesus, dedicated to
the salvation of souls, through education and instruction of children
and youth”.

It was in Salamanca on 8 December 1871, when, with five other women,
her adventure began with nothing more than the trust born of the
knowledge that what one undertakes is “what God wants”. In this manner
and with the name of Candida Maria de Jesus, this woman of scant
education and scarce material means founded the Congregation of the
Daughters of Jesus in one of the most important university cities of
the 19th century.

The exclusion of women and the economically weaker classes from the
fields of education moved Mother Candida to begin this path. And very
soon what began in Salamanca extended throughout the Spanish
geography. Later, on 3 October 1911, the first Daughters of Jesus set
out for Brazil, fulfilling her dream: “I would go to the ends of the
earth in search of souls”.

On 9 August 1912, Mother Candida, simple and courageous woman who made
her life a constant surrender to the will of God, died in Salamanca.
St Pope John Paul II, in Rome, Beatified her on 12 May 1996 and Pope
Benedict XVI Canonised her on 17 October 2010.

Today, the Congregation is present in 19 countries, at the service of
others and with special attention to the most needy.

Saint Quote:
To suffer and to be happy although suffering, to have one's feet on
the earth, to walk on the dirty and rough paths of this earth and yet
to be enthroned with Christ at the Father's right hand, to laugh and
cry with the children of this world and ceaselessly sing the praises
of God with the choirs of angels--this is the life of the Christian
until the morning of eternity breaks forth.
--St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

 “Compunction of heart,” says Saint Bernard, “is a treasure infinitely
to be desired, and an unspeakable gladness to the heart. It is healing
to the soul; it is remission of sins; it brings back the Holy Spirit
into the humble and loving heart.”

Concórdi lætítia
Harmonious Joy

Sounds of joy have put to flight
All the sadness of the night.
Now a Maid beyond compare
Hears her praises fill the air:
Virgo María.

Who is she whom angels sing,
Making all creation ring?
She it is who wins our priase,
As on earth our voice we raise:
Virgo María.

Queen of virgins, Maiden mild,
Hear me, take me for your child.
Ever my protector be,
Bring eternal life to me:
Virgo María.

Mighty Godhead, Three in One,
While eternal ages run,
Look to Mary, full of grace,
And forgive the human race:
Virgo María.
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2020-08-09 15:55:53 UTC
The Devil is a tiny little ladyboy from Thailand.